Terms and Conditions

512px by 512px Texture versions

  1. You may freely download and use “512px by 512px versions” of our textures! These are now (as of 1-June 2018) under CC0 “No Rights Reserved” licence.

2048px by 2048px Texture versions

You are permitted to:

  1. Use images in computer graphics, website design, advertising banners, movies, television shows and printed media
  2. Incorporate the images in computer games and 3D models

You are not permitted to:

  1. Sell or distribute any images (modified or not) by themselves or in a texture pack, material or shader
  2. Bundle images with software such as paint programs, plugins, 3D engines, 3D programs or photo-kiosk software
  3. Release the images or derivative products with images under Open Source Licences.
    We will be happy to give exemptions to Open Source software that does not feature our textures or texture packs as the primary content of your software.
    i.e. We will generally be happy for our textures to be used in open source games, but not in open source 2d/3d graphics software – or other software that replicates our business model.
  4. Use images for any purpose that violates Australian law and you local law or regulation

Please check with us if you are unsure about any of the above or if you wish to submit a request for an exception – via contact us form.